Program Coordinators Note

Landscape Architecture provides one with the opportunity to engage with varied scales of human endeavour that traverse through space and time.

These “Landscape” spaces cover a spectrum of environment that range from unbuilt natural to the densely built urban, a singular space of everyday engagement to complex regional settings that are distinguished and yet connected by certain peculiarities of the natural and cultural layers respectively.

Time in landscape is characterised by the sensitivity and the sensibility demonstrated by erstwhile civilizations and that of the present by the manner in which they have organised and engaged with the landscape.

Here, in the department of Landscape Architecture, one is encouraged to sieve through the layers of space and time and critically analyse the directions adopted by human to conduct their activities in different landscape settings and evaluate weather such interactions showcase human wisdom or present challenges that need to be addressed through suitable design interventions.

Here again, the department is well aware that not all challenges posed in the real world today can be resolved by landscape design alone. Thus, the present day program is evolving from a multi-disciplinary to an interdisciplinary approach where experts from varied fields such as the environmental, social and economic arenas are made stakeholders in the studio exercises to gain a more comprehensive insight of novel real world situations and thereby provide oneself the necessary knowledge and tools to deal with such challenges through the lens of Landscape Architecture.